C# Suggestions / Re: Suggestions Thread for v2.4.0
« Last post by Ghostly on Today at 02:59:36 AM »After playing around with Ground Combat it feels like something that I'm missing is that feeling that veteran units with alot of combat experience should perform significantly better than a freshly built formation.
The current ground combat model favors heavily armored units mainly to reduce casualties, but the IMO main purpose of reducing casualties should not be to save BP in less replacements needed, it should be to not lose the valuable experience your units gain from battles.
I agree, there's not much benefit to having any veteran units other than those who've been sitting around under a commander with GCT for years, never seeing any combat, which is the opposite of how things should actually work. I suppose this is due to the unit Morale also representing their training level, which is awkward, as you would expect Training and Morale to be separate stats, with Training increasing slowly while idling and quickly when participating in combat, and Morale dropping rapidly while taking losses and increasing while inflicting casualties, performing breakthroughs or idling. The ground unit system is already complex as it is, but I think such a change would be more than justified.