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C# Suggestions / Re: Suggestions Thread for v2.4.0
« Last post by nakorkren on Yesterday at 12:16:05 PM »
Would it be possible to group "Neutral Contact Updates" by Race, e.g. "Neutral Contact Update: Vorpaller Conspiracy"? That way we could hide notifications for races we're not concerned about and not hide ones we're keeping an eye on?
General Discussion / Re: Questions Not Worth Their Own Thread: C# Edition
« Last post by nakorkren on Yesterday at 11:35:56 AM »
What does it mean that I'm seeing a [PARTIAL] after a contact's name on the tactical map? It's a neutral NPC ship that's sitting at the same gate as a ship of mine that has active sensor (turned on), thermal and EM sensors. The contact switches back and forth between showing and not showing the [PARTIAL] tag.
The Academy / Re: Fighter strategy
« Last post by Steve Walmsley on Yesterday at 08:13:45 AM »
Missile fighters get killed less often, as they fight from a distance, but they can only fire once and they have to get through point defence. They will do more damage with a single attack, but it also costs money and resources every time they fire.

Beam fighters can fire for as long as their MSP last, so they can do a lot more damage overall in the right situation. They also usually fire every 5 second so can be devastating in swarms. They will take more losses than missile fighters, but replacing those losses is often cheaper than replacing the missiles expended by the missile fighters. Finally, beam fighters are very good at defending fleets against hostile missile attack.

A mix of both is probably best, but if I had to take one or the other, I would take beam fighters every time.

Check out this campaign for an example of beam fighters in action.

The Academy / Fighter strategy
« Last post by legemaine on Yesterday at 07:48:41 AM »
Hi all, another question

What's the current view re beam fighters - I've noticed over the years that typically this hasnt been seen particularly effective compared with missile carrying fighters - but I thought I saw some recent posts (cant find them now) that suggested that beam boats were more viable again. Just wanted to check the consensus before I started a carrier fleet strategy.

Also, when designing missiles for fighters to carry, would I be right in assuming that people generally designed them to be shorter range than ship borne variants - taking account of the distance a fighter would approach the target, or do people generally use the separation generated by the fighters to protect the main fleet

Thanks again for all your help
C# Bug Reports / Re: v2.5.1 Bugs Thread
« Last post by Garfunkel on Yesterday at 06:39:13 AM »
I've mentioned this before but I fear it has been lost in the noise.

If you start with Minerva in Sol and the game creates a gas giant with trojans, those trojans are listed in the Fleet Movement Orders view alongside inner system asteroids, which is a little annoying as it clutters the view when playing a super-early conventional start. They should, IMHO, come at the very end of the asteroids, seeing as they are the farthest away.
Garfunkel's Fiction / Re: Solar Hegemony Redux
« Last post by Garfunkel on Yesterday at 06:35:46 AM »

In preparation for operations beyond Earth's vicinity, CCCP KOSMOS creates a new naval command: Trans-Lunar Red Banner Fleet. The Survey Bureau is transferred under its command though the Zemlya Bureau remains under the command of Cis-Lunar Red Banner Fleet, which will also keep command of the older Vostok fleet. Any new craft that is capable of operating well beyond the Earth-Luna system, will go to the Trans-Lunar Red Banner Fleet instead. This means that the existing Glaz class sensor satellites in Earth orbit will need new sister ships, capable of movement. Sadly, the Soviet sensor technology will need quite a bit more work before they are capable of supplying the proper sensors for the planned Buran class.

The US completes its first Mass Driver in late January and in February a new batch of maintenance facilities are done. In February, the original two Soviet survey vessels, Vostok-1 and Vostok-2, fly to the asteroid Apophis. There the nine-man crews abandon the ships and are picked up by Vostok-M2 Squadron B. This frees up maintenance space for the new Vostok-M3 shuttles. CCCP KOSMOS hopes that by doing this at the asteroid, far from curious American sensors, the wrecks will remain hidden. In March, Americans bring more DSTS online, now having six of them on Earth. And in April, the Soviets form the Vostok-M3 Squadron A and send it off to survey the asteroid field. Americans are surprised to see new Soviet survey shuttles and grow concerned once they realize how long the shuttles are staying away from Earth. Either the Soviets have built some sort of base in the asteroid field in total secrecy or they have advanced beyond the US in technology. Neither possibility makes Pentagon happy.

In mid-August, US scientists manage to create Composite Armour, which will allow significant mass savings as it means thinner hulls for shuttles. However, as Nuclear Radioisotope Engines are on the horizon, both Pentagon and NASA agree that new designs should wait until the next generation of engines are available. And in September, as Vostok-M3 Squadron B heads off to Jupiter, the American Patriot Systems shows off their M310 and M410 lasers, meaning that finally the USA has a proper spaceborne weapon. December saw Jamestown grow to ten million inhabitants, making it a large, sprawling city with multiple domes and hundreds of underground tunnels.

CCCP KOSMOS survey efforts bear fruit.
C# Suggestions / Re: Suggestions Thread for v2.4.0
« Last post by Steve Walmsley on Yesterday at 04:21:05 AM »
Adding an informative event (without interruption) that a given ground troop has been unloaded/transported from a transport to a given planet.

This is useful especially for me when I am distributing several ground defensive troops in several places and it takes time for the transport to reach the destination and return (which I may forget), however what It would be important is the unloading info and that's missing.

Added for v2.6
C# Bug Reports / Re: v2.5.1 Bugs Thread
« Last post by Skip121 on Yesterday at 02:46:06 AM »
Hi Steve,

Thank you so much for this, the game is now working perfectly!

I'm definitely running v2. 5. 1, it's the first time this has happened and I'm about 85 years into the game roughly.

Thanks again!
Garfunkel's Fiction / Re: Solar Hegemony Redux
« Last post by Garfunkel on May 31, 2024, 09:50:18 PM »
Sadly, I am vastly overqualified for my current job but hey, it pays the bills while I keep trying to get into academia. Fingers crossed!

Should I take this to imply that there will be mucking about with ground support fighters at some point in the campaign?
Yes, it will happen. I have never done them before so I definitely want to get some first-hand experience.


In January, Soviet scientists manage to create Geological survey sensors that utilize TN-materials, making them five times more effective than previous survey sensors. Vostok-M2 will carry such a sensor and also the more powerful Glushko RD-103 engine to boost its speed to 300 km/s. Its range is thus shortened to mere 4.4 billion kilometres but there is no helping it. Better armour will not become available until 1961 due to poor Soviet competence in that field and Stalin wants the survey program to continue. Earth also runs out of Mercassium. On the American side, the design for the colonist transport shuttle is locked down:

Code: [Select]
Aphrodite class Shuttle      500 tons       2 Crew       39.8 BP       TCS 10    TH 4    EM 0
375 km/s      Armour 1-5       Shields 0-0       HTK 6      Sensors 0/0/0/0      DCR 0-0      PPV 0
Maint Life 3.05 Years     MSP 4    AFR 20%    IFR 0.3%    1YR 1    5YR 10    Max Repair 5 MSP
Cryogenic Berths 1,000   
Lieutenant Commander    Control Rating 1   
Intended Deployment Time: 18 days    Morale Check Required   

Rocketdyne C-125/9 Engine F-3 (1)    Power 3.8    Fuel Use 287.05%    Signature 3.75    Explosion 12%
Fuel Capacity 44,200 Litres    Range 5.5 billion km (171 days at full power)

This design is classed as a Fighter for production, combat and planetary interaction
This design is classed as a Colony Ship for auto-assignment purposes

Finally, the Jamestown colony will get inhabitants and it only took until 12 March when the first colonists stepped inside the half-buried dome of their new home. Sure, the Soviet Union had over half a million people in their colony but at least the Americans were back in the race. And with a bang, because already in mid-April the Jamestown population passed one million mark. And in May, the USMC commandant finally realized their wet dream - the USMC Assault Company. Armed with 8 M25 medium machine guns, 20 M26 assault rifles and 18 M27 submachine guns, the Marines were clad in menacing gray-black armoured suits that allowed them to survive the vacuum of space, assault a Soviet vessel through its hull, defeat the crew and bring the captured prize back to a friendly port. The Hermes class security shuttles had been waiting for this moment and training of the companies started immediately. By late August, the first ten companies were ready.

Both NASA and Soviet Survey Bureau resumed limited geological survey of the inner system. Neither had vessels with the endurance or range to fully explore the asteroid field between Mars and Jupiter, not to mention the outer system, so they contended themselves with the planets, comets and asteroids inside or near Mars orbit. In September, the Soviets opened a new research laboratory complex but production of DSTS had to be paused as the budget had gone deep into the red and thus a crash build program of financial centres was started. After a brief investigation, the KGB declared that several hundred counter-revolutionaries had infiltrated the Soviet system and these enemies of the state were promptly purged. Earth also ran out of Uridium.

In December, Glushko Design Bureau celebrates their triumph of breaking into the next level of engine technology as they showcase three new engines:

RD-105 is only a modest increase in power compared to the previous fastest engine, RD-104, but it is vastly more fuel efficient. In fact, it is the most fuel-efficient engine the Soviet Union has ever created. It will power the next generation of survey and transport shuttles, allowing them to reach previously unheard-of distances. The RD-106 is twice as powerful yet still more economical than all the older engines. It will be employed by sensor shuttles. Finally, the RD-107 is a thirsty beast but that thirst comes with incredible power, allowing future Soviet gunships to easily outperform any American vessel.

For example, the Vostok-M3 will, in comparison with the M2 model, increase its endurance from one to four months, its speed from 300 km/sec to 500 km/sec, and most importantly, its range explodes from paltry 4.4 billion to a whopping 51 billion kilometres! Similarly, Luna-M2 can carry the same number of troops but faster and much farther and in greater comfort. Progress-M2 increases its cargo hold size from 250 tons to 300 tons, while also gaining in speed and endurance, though only a modest increase in range. Soyz-M2 carries more colonists, faster and slightly farther, in greater comfort and with increased maintenance capability. Finally, the Krivak-M2-10B1 leaps ahead at the speed of 3500 km/sec, a revolutionary step since the previous model could only reach 700 km/sec.

The year ends with NASA surveying the comet Encke but disappointingly, no TN minerals are found. The military buildup on Luna continues.
The Academy / Re: Best route to mining Io
« Last post by Noriad on May 31, 2024, 02:20:01 PM »
Another possible strategy (I play conventional starts), which must be played from the beginning, is to combine civilian mining and regular colonies.
Initially, I only survey bodies that are good for colonization: Luna, Mars, Mercury, and possibly some of the larger gas giant moons.
At game start, I immediately start enlarging my naval shipyard and when it's big enough (roughly 3000 tons), I build a survey vessel with conventional rockets, conventional geosurvey equipment and a tiny cargo space. Slow and primitive but adequate for this task.
I then survey those few bodies, and if any has the potential to spawn a civilian mining operation, I leave it untouched and dump 2 infrastructure on an empty body. This unlocks the creation of civilian mining. Then I push my wealth income as high as feasible with financial centers and accompanying research, to increase the chance of triggering a civilian mining center. Once it is in place, which is why I initially restrict my initial surveys to places I want the mining colonies to spawn, I add a regular colony to it.
If you build a regular colony, no new Civilian mining centers can spawn. But once the first civilian mining center is in place, it will expand over time, adding up to the equivalent of hundreds of automines. Plus you get a free military unit to keep order.
Civilian mining centers spawn if the body contains Duranium or Gallicite, minimum 10,000 units with concentration 0.7 or more. Higher wealth income increases the spawn chance.
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