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Garfunkel's Fiction / Re: Solar Hegemony Redux
« Last post by Garfunkel on Today at 09:59:56 AM »

Whoa, talk about a little delay. I blame Paradox for finally putting a discount on the BattleTech DLC which meant I could try out the big BEX mod. Oh, and moving cities and changing jobs, those also took a little bit of my time.


The Pentagon has finally shown the greenlight for the formation of American Luna garrison. The brass had asked industry for a wide range of proposal for equipment while at the same time the in-house think-tanks had theorized doctrine and organization, ultimately leading to several rounds of wargames. Luna equipment would follow its own nomenclature, which confusingly meant that M1 was now the name of a shovel, a helmet, a carbine, an old armoured car, a tank prototype, a series of tractors, a field howitzer, a heavy anti-aircraft gun, an aircraft gun, a light anti-aircraft gun, a tank gun, a bayonet, a chemical mine, a flamethrower, a hand grenade, a rifle, a mortar, a Bazooka, a submachine gun, but now also meant the ultra-light carbine that used caseless ammo to prevent Lunar dust from jamming its mechanism and its Duranium coated body could withstand the extreme temperature swings between Lunar day and night. Or so its designers claimed. This carbine would equip the security and rear area troops while the infantry would go to battle with the M2 assault rifle, the M3 designated marksman rifle, the M4 light machine gun, the M5 Luna-Bazooka, the M6 Portable Mortar System, the M7 anti-air machine gun and the M8 all-terrain vehicle for logistics purposes.

Thanks to the lessons of the Second World War and the Korean war, all the infantry would be fully mechanized, utilizing the M9 and M10 armoured personnel carriers, one armed with a squad machine gun and the other with a light but high-velocity cannon. If encountering Soviet armour, the M11 Gun Motor Vehicle would be brought up, as it carried a heavier high-velocity cannon capable of utilizing the latest SABOT rounds. The M12 Motor Mortar System provided close fire support whereas field artillery wielded the M13 Self-Propelled Gun. For traditional cavalry duties, the M14 Fire Support Vehicle with its light automatic cannon and the M15 Mobile Gun System with its heavier sister, were available. Against the Red Air Force, if it ever appeared on Luna, the mechanized columns would be protected by the M16 HMG, which was just the M7 placed on a Luna-qualified trike, and the M17 Air Defence Vehicle, carrying a short-range surface-to-air missile. Further missiles and other supplies, were loaded onto the M18 logistics truck.

Finally, the planned heavy formations, which would form the mailed fist of America, would be built around the M19 main battle tank, carrying the same high-velocity cannon as the M11 but being better armoured as well as carrying secondary machine gun armament. They would be supported by the M20 infantry fighting vehicle, equipped with a medium automatic cannon and a machine gun. Just as well armoured as the tank, the M20 would ensure that its passengers would reach the battle intact despite expected heavy Soviet shelling. The M21 Air Defence Vehicle was truly a behemoth, being the largest combat vehicle that the Americans were planning to build and it carried both missiles and heavy AA guns, able to cover an entire formation against flying threats. The fact that the Soviets had not demonstrated such capability had not deterred American engineers.

A tank company would consist of 14 M19 MBTs, four in each of the three platoons, and one each for the company commander and vice commander. Four tank companies would make up a battalion, with its headquarters made up of a M24 CP5 headquarters tank, the battalion commander's M19, two M18 supply trucks and a M17 ADV for protection. Similarly, a mechanized infantry company would consist of 14 M20 IFVs, four for each of the three platoons and one for the company commander and vice commander. The dismounted infantry squad consisted of four M2 AR riflemen, two M3 DMR marksmen, and two gunners, one with the M4 LMG and the other with the M5 RPG. This squad could be split into two fireteams in two configurations - in the first form, the riflemen would form the manoeuvre element while the marksmen and the gunners would provide fire support. In the second form, each team would have equal equipment and thus manoeuvre separately, relying on the IFVs for fire support. A mechanized platoon would have four squads and a mechanized company would have three platoons, for a total of 48 riflemen, 24 marksmen, 12 LMG gunners and 12 RPG gunners. This did not include the crew of the M20 IFVs who were mandated to stay with their vehicle at all times. The fourth company in a Mechanized Battalion was a Weapons Company that, instead of infantry, had close-in fire support in the form of the M6 mortar and the M7 AAMG.

In July, Corundium deposits ran dry on Earth but all powers had ample stockpiles of it. In August, the Soviet Union once more expanded its DSTS network and United States increased their fighter building capability. In September, the Soviet Yurga design and manufacturing bureau completed the prototypes of all four types of their MBP 100mm T-10 railguns, ranging in barrels from one to four. Each was capable of firing every 10 seconds. Naturally, the more barrels a gun had, the larger it became. It would be possible to upgrade the Krivak-M to use the faster firing single barrel gun but the larger guns would degrade its speed unless compromises were made elsewhere. Krivak-M10B1, -B2, -B3 and -B4 would also require a more powerful powerplants which required more space. In fact, the Krivak-M10B4 became so heavy that its speed dropped from 700 m/s to 438 m/s. Reducing the fuel storage slightly, from 26,000 litres to 21,000 litres, allowed Krivak-M10B1 to remain at 250 tons and 700 m/s. The Politburo ruled that on the short term, this approach was to be taken. The other versions would have to wait for the emergence of more powerful engines.

November saw the 18th American research complex start work and it was sorely needed as Pentagon demanded that the Essex class armed shuttle should fly as soon as possible to counter the Soviet Krivak gunships. If they had known the maintenance problems that the CCCP KOSMOS was struggling with, they might not have been quite so worried. Production of mines had been halted by the Kreml and a new crash build of maintenance facilities was prioritized. This program was completed on the last days of December and allowed Kreml order the construction of 10 Krivak-M10B1 fighters.
The Academy / Re: Best route to mining Io
« Last post by vorpal+5 on Today at 04:27:00 AM »
I'm in a similar situation, with Io having many interesting minerals. I settled it and let it develop around 2 M, and then it kicked automatically, with civilian freighters transporting extra infrastructures and then pop.
I'm basically doing nothing and it is already at 11 M.
The Academy / Re: Best route to mining Io
« Last post by Zap0 on Today at 04:13:07 AM »
Any of those options are valid. Terraforming the body to habitable and manned mining will of course be the cheapest option in the long run. Calculate the costs for how much automines vs orbital habs vs infrastructure would cost you if you want to know how it is right now.
The Academy / Best route to mining Io
« Last post by legemaine on Today at 03:36:53 AM »
Hi all, just thought I'd ask the collective wisdom about some potential decisions

I've been fortunate enough to get a lot of minerals on Io - enough with other in system resources to help sort out the potential minerals crunch - in particular 3m (1) Duranium, 1m(0.9) Vendarite, 2m(0.4) Corundium and 3m(0.4) Gallicite.

Now how best to extract? I'm currently establishing a ground colony (6.2 CC) and relying on injecting greenhouse gas to get the temp up and the CC down, but I could automine or use an orbital habital I suppose. Bear in mind I want a really substantial mining operation here, to get all those lovely minerals out of the ground.

How would others suggest?


General Discussion / Re: Removing commanders
« Last post by Froggiest1982 on Yesterday at 06:01:06 PM »
Perhaps a checkbox before the ship name would make you jump to the commander?

It's a good idea and has been suggested multiple times.

Meanwhile, back to your question:

And how do I know who is commanding what?

You have all the info already, just need to use multiwindowed mode. You know the name of the ships and on the fleet view you are able to see the commander in charge.

Also, in terms of changing, you can just select a more suitable commander and just assign it, which will relieve the current commander of the ship with the one you are selecting.

Don't get me wrong, far from ideal especially when you have thousand commanders to look at, however, what you are trying to do is already possible; time consuming, but possible.
The Academy / Re: Survey Ship Fleet Organization
« Last post by Froggiest1982 on Yesterday at 05:53:39 PM »
I don't know, IMHO everything will be easy sorted if the no body/location/system wouldn't trigger an interrupt. In that way you could just keep your fleet stationed on your preferred/closest maintenance location and as soon as a new body/location/system is available all ships would leave station on their way. I too get pretty annoyed at manually changing the conditional orders every time.

The above wouldn't interferer with either players that would not mind the automation and the other which are more manually exploring.

Yes there will be issues still with the message triggered every new interval, and if you decide to hide it from the list, then when your fleet is actually exploring you wouldn't know when to recall, but there are ways to overcome that as well with the current settings (IE ticking show all messages from time to time).

Eventually, everything ties up with a recent repost over having the ability to select which events should or should not trigger an interruption. I don't think everything should be editable though, but some things are really arbitrary, like: production in all forms (either planetary, ground units, ships, and so on), some discoveries (ruins, artefacts, mineral prospecting possibility, and so on), maintenance and overhaul, just to name a few.
C# Tutorials / Re: Such a long time since I was involved in combat
« Last post by legemaine on Yesterday at 02:12:07 PM »
Hi JacenHan, thanks for this. You were right - that's what I had forgotten.

Playing Aurora is NOT like riding a bicycle - you certainly can't just pick up where you left off. But it probably wouldn't be as engrossing if you could

C# Suggestions / Re: Suggestions Thread for v2.4.0
« Last post by AlStar on Yesterday at 01:23:00 PM »
With the current behavior or with a new toggle switch, in either case the solution is "RTFM" and, since if we're being honest here the "FM" is not very readable maybe some better or more accessible documentation would be useful. That said, either way, it is a lesson a player learns once and then (usually) remembers for the next time.
You bring up good points - I've never fooled around with multi-race or cohabitating with NPR starts, so didn't consider that.

Maybe just a warning in the log, then? "Ship XXX was fired upon by NEUTRAL alien race! We are currently holding fire as per rules of engagement." (or somesuch.)

I've been enjoying his AAR, but haven't read it in the last week or so; if he managed to get shot by filthy neutrals, then he's just another in the pile - I was actually reacting to a recent Reddit post.
C# Suggestions / Re: Suggestions Thread for v2.4.0
« Last post by nuclearslurpee on Yesterday at 12:26:13 PM »
Given by the number of posts that I've seen pop up, both on this forum and on Reddit, over the years; I think it might make sense to have any NPR that's currently marked as Neutral to automatically be set to Hostile when they open fire on your ships or kill a ground unit.

This should help curb at least one of the causes of the common message of "why can't I shoot back?"

I like the principle, but I think there's a lot of annoying "edge" cases where this wouldn't work.

Generally there are plenty of roleplay circumstances where you would want relations to remain nominally neutral after firing or being fired upon, which could range from warning shots fired at a scout or survey ship infringing your territory up to a conflict limited to only one or several systems but not a full-scale galactic war. In this case, automatically setting races to Hostile status can lead to some undesired expansion of the conflict, such as:
  • STOs in "non-involved" systems may fire on the now hostile ships.
  • Ground forces on shared bodies in non-involved systems will engage each other.
  • Mines (of the explosive variety) may trigger unexpectedly.
  • Specific to NPRs, but in "warning shot" situations additional unintended fire in other locations, for example from fire controls set to fire at will (e.g., "Oops, there goes the alien diplo ship"), will worsen relations and make it much harder to restore neutrality after firing said warning shots.
Note that shared bodies are particularly relevant in games with multiple player races, but also can be relevant in games with NPRs - particularly in cases with mixed player race and NPR starts in Sol, which is not an uncommon setup.

At the very least, it needs to be a toggled behavior which isn't something we have a lot of in the Aurora UI, and would likely cause just as many issues for the kinds of players who are likely to run into the above scenarios (e.g., NATO vs Soviet, "I shot at their survey ship, why are the Soviets invading Poland?" situations).

With the current behavior or with a new toggle switch, in either case the solution is "RTFM" and, since if we're being honest here the "FM" is not very readable maybe some better or more accessible documentation would be useful. That said, either way, it is a lesson a player learns once and then (usually) remembers for the next time.

P.S. Is this by any chance a suggestion motivated by recent events in the Blue Emu AAR @ Pdox forums? If so, I'd hesitate to draw a lot of conclusions from that experience, as Blue Emu is a great authAAR but really doesn't read the documentation very well and this is far from the first fairly basic error in understanding he's made in that AAR.
C# Suggestions / Re: Suggestions Thread for v2.4.0
« Last post by AlStar on Yesterday at 10:33:11 AM »
Given by the number of posts that I've seen pop up, both on this forum and on Reddit, over the years; I think it might make sense to have any NPR that's currently marked as Neutral to automatically be set to Hostile when they open fire on your ships or kill a ground unit.

This should help curb at least one of the causes of the common message of "why can't I shoot back?"
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