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The Academy / Re: Fighter strategy
« Last post by L0ckAndL0ad on Today at 04:43:46 AM »
I want to point out my own experience in... oh, it was back in 2021, with 1.13. Here's an AAR and here's a dedicated designs thread.

Initially, I used LACs with 4x size 4 launchers, to overwhelm point defense. But with the way armor works in aurora, it was not as damaging as I would've hoped. Later in a playthrough, I tried using size 20 missiles from my light attack craft, resulting in much better anti-ship performance.

A lot of changes were made to Aurora since then, and I have not played much after that, but is there anything in direct/beam firing weapons arsenal that could outperform/achieve parity to large torpedo-style heavy anti-ship missiles when employed from fighter-sized craft in the latest Aurora version?
The Academy / Re: Fighter strategy
« Last post by Steve Walmsley on Today at 04:24:59 AM »
Beam fighters does have it's purpose as do any other weapon type and platform. Missiles are best use when you are able to overwhelm the enemy but if you can't it is going to be very costly to use missiles. Likewise would beam fighters be suicide against an enemy that knows they are part of your doctrine and have weapon systems designed to counter them. It would be much cheaper to destroy the fighters than the cost of building the ships countering them, that is almost always the case with fighters due to them having very expensive engines in comparison with their size. Just adding some of the medium calibre laser cannons on turrets rather than normal mounts would directly kill any beam fighter strategy while not really increase the opportunity cost of the fleet very much. If the enemy fleet mainly uses rail guns it would definitely be a suicide strategy.

I do think that against certain AI races and strategies then beam fighters would work fine, but you would still need to consider a relatively high attrition rate in general. Likewise are missiles not free either but it is easier to carry more missiles than fighters so a missile fleet could likely have more endurance the beam fighters if there are high attrition rate on the fighters. Having expensive carriers running around with empty hangars is generally more expensive than commercial ordnance ships with empty magazines.

I would rate fighters and missiles to be on the same level of attrition rate. It can also be a question on the type of resources you spend on either. Both will require allot of Gallicite. I say you would get around 15 size 6 for every 300t fighter... roughly. I also think fighters would cost you the most Gallicite, so that might also factor in to the calculation as missiles will have most of the cost in Tritanium.

I do think that in general beam fighters is the worse option, especially against an enemy that knows how to counter it. But they still have a use, but not as a main hitter against enemy main capital warships but more against enemy scouts, fighters and other lightly armed and armoured targets.

The main issue I have with beam fighters is that once they are committed the cost of misjudging the enemy strength are likely greater than using missile fighters. With missiles you launch one volley, if it does too little damage you can likely just withdraw the fleet in peace. You only lost the cost of those missiles launched... with the beam fighters the cost of loosing the fighters will be much greater.

I think you have to add to the above the PD benefits of beam fighters. While missile fighters can be better in the right circumstances on attack, they have no defensive benefit at all, while at least half the overall value of beam fighters is on defence.
The Academy / Re: Fighter strategy
« Last post by legemaine on Today at 12:41:03 AM »
Thanks all, I had a feeling from what I had read that it was going to be somewhat the way that Jorgen_CAB described, but it was great as ever to see all the pros and cons laid out so logically
Garfunkel's Fiction / Re: Solar Hegemony Redux
« Last post by nuclearslurpee on Yesterday at 09:05:10 PM »
The result: T-58 main battle tank and the MT-LB armoured personnel carrier. They will be built in sufficient numbers to form a number of Tank companies, whose mission will be to perform counter-attacks once the static defences have worn down the Capitalist forces.

Now I'm curious what these tank "companies" look like. Usually I would think a company is too small a scale for modeling ground units in Aurora, certainly so for the size of armies NATO and the Soviets would have fielded.

  • A - shuttles equipped with short-range missiles, meant to engage all types of enemy shuttles in hit and run attacks
  • B - shuttles equipped with long-range missiles, meant for strategic attacks against priority targets
  • C - shuttles equipped for transport duties, whether troops, colonists or cargo
  • E - shuttles equipped with Active Early Warning sensors, meant for battle management
  • F - shuttles equipped with beam weaponry, meant to directly engage enemy combat shuttles and to protect friendly shuttles
  • K - shuttles equipped for transporting fuel, able to refuel other shuttles
  • R - shuttles equipped with passive sensors, meant for covert observation
  • S - shuttles equipped with survey sensors, meant for NASA research
  • U - shuttles equipped for utility work not covered by the other categories

R.I.P. good ol' P-for-pursuit designation.  o7

And at 1000 km/sec, the Albatross could easily outrun older Soviet Krivaks, albeit it was now clear that the Soviets had already mastered this new engine technology and any new enemy armed shuttles could prove a deadly menace to the Albatross.

I'd say the greater threat to the Albatross and to many of these craft would be the lack of sufficient MSP to repair a serious breakdown. For craft meant to be on-station for a while this can be a real threat. Don't ask me how I know this.

Thanks to the economical F-4 engine, the shuttle could reach even the recently discovered gas giant Minerva, far into the icy depths of the outer system.

Crew complaints about running way over deployment times will be roundly ignored.

With nearly three hundred thousand litres of fuel onboard, each Hippo would be a juicy target for the Soviets and thus will require appropriate protection.

Good thing no one is posting the class specs on a public board anywhere, thus the Soviets will have no way of knowing what it does.  ;)

The C-7 Penguin was not just an upgrade of the Ares Program. It was completely redesigned from ground up to allow quick disembarkation of the troops it carried, turning the lumbering transport Ares into a sleek landing ship Penguin. In essence, this meant that the US Army could conduct opposed landings on any body in the system.

I am really looking forward to the after-action reports when these things meet STOs for the first time.

The C-9 Wombat would handle colonist transportation. Its capacity had increased significantly when compared to the old Aphrodite Program.

I'm curious about why? Usually I find it's easier to keep a fixed ratio between cargo and colony ships to make it simple to calculate how to run your convoys to get the balance between infrastructure and colonists. Seems like modifying the form factor here is liable to make your life harder in little ways.

To the dismay of the Air Force, the latter three would be Navy enlisted men while the former three would be Air Force officers or warrant officers, a mixture sure to bring joy and happiness to all.

Excellent! I love joy and happiness for all!  ;D

the A-12 Banshee
the B-14 Havoc

R.I.P. lucky number 13.  :P

Very very happy to see this getting updated!

I agree, though I will express concern at the sudden rapid pace of updates, as I am worried that all this micromanagement in such a large dose may be driving you insane...

I also look forward to seeing how the British muck things up now that they are getting involved.
The Academy / Re: Fighter strategy
« Last post by Jorgen_CAB on Yesterday at 06:50:16 PM »
Beam fighters does have it's purpose as do any other weapon type and platform. Missiles are best use when you are able to overwhelm the enemy but if you can't it is going to be very costly to use missiles. Likewise would beam fighters be suicide against an enemy that knows they are part of your doctrine and have weapon systems designed to counter them. It would be much cheaper to destroy the fighters than the cost of building the ships countering them, that is almost always the case with fighters due to them having very expensive engines in comparison with their size. Just adding some of the medium calibre laser cannons on turrets rather than normal mounts would directly kill any beam fighter strategy while not really increase the opportunity cost of the fleet very much. If the enemy fleet mainly uses rail guns it would definitely be a suicide strategy.

I do think that against certain AI races and strategies then beam fighters would work fine, but you would still need to consider a relatively high attrition rate in general. Likewise are missiles not free either but it is easier to carry more missiles than fighters so a missile fleet could likely have more endurance the beam fighters if there are high attrition rate on the fighters. Having expensive carriers running around with empty hangars is generally more expensive than commercial ordnance ships with empty magazines.

I would rate fighters and missiles to be on the same level of attrition rate. It can also be a question on the type of resources you spend on either. Both will require allot of Gallicite. I say you would get around 15 size 6 for every 300t fighter... roughly. I also think fighters would cost you the most Gallicite, so that might also factor in to the calculation as missiles will have most of the cost in Tritanium.

I do think that in general beam fighters is the worse option, especially against an enemy that knows how to counter it. But they still have a use, but not as a main hitter against enemy main capital warships but more against enemy scouts, fighters and other lightly armed and armoured targets.

The main issue I have with beam fighters is that once they are committed the cost of misjudging the enemy strength are likely greater than using missile fighters. With missiles you launch one volley, if it does too little damage you can likely just withdraw the fleet in peace. You only lost the cost of those missiles launched... with the beam fighters the cost of loosing the fighters will be much greater.
Garfunkel's Fiction / Re: Solar Hegemony Redux
« Last post by Warer on Yesterday at 06:25:23 PM »
Very very happy to see this getting updated!
The Academy / Re: Best route to mining Io
« Last post by David_H_Roarings on Yesterday at 02:35:55 PM »
Io can be terraformed to 0. 0 cc eventually
C# Suggestions / Re: Suggestions Thread for v2.4.0
« Last post by Steve Walmsley on Yesterday at 02:24:20 PM »
Would it be possible to group "Neutral Contact Updates" by Race, e.g. "Neutral Contact Update: Vorpaller Conspiracy"? That way we could hide notifications for races we're not concerned about and not hide ones we're keeping an eye on?

That would require a separate event type for each race, which isn't how event types currently work.
The Academy / Re: Fighter strategy
« Last post by Droll on Yesterday at 12:49:43 PM »
Disadvantages of beam fighters:
  • High casualties: since warship beam weapons have longer ranges than fighter beam weapons, you will most likely lose several fighters each sortie. This means that your carriers will frequently need to return home for reinforcements.
  • Expensive to upgrade: It's not really economical to upgrade beam fighters - you basically have to rebuild your fleet each time you inaugurate a new generation.
  • More tactical micromanagement: It is tedious to coordinate dozens/hundreds of fighters' fire controls. Fire at will might not focus on priority targets.

It's worth noting that the tactical micromanagement can be mitigated somewhat with micromanagement when the carrier is first build or using "assign fleet"/"assign sub-fleet" as those assignments copy targeting assignments as well. I like to split my carrier wings into squadrons so that I can group up fighters and have them target the same thing within the squadron without having to deal with it one-by-one. Granted, this also helps with missile fighters so the overall point about the beamy bois being more micro intensive still stands, especially as enemy ships get destroyed, forcing you to go back and designate a new target.
C# Suggestions / Re: Suggestions Thread for v2.4.0
« Last post by Garfunkel on Yesterday at 12:47:11 PM »
Please make "Show Civilian Lines" tick box remember its setting in the Fleet Window. When playing a game without civilian shipping lines, I want that first, automatically generated shipping line, to always be invisible. But since I always close the fleet window before progressing time, I have to untick that box every time.
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