View full version: The Academy
  1. Galaxy Map lining
  2. Boarding & diplomacy
  3. Geologic Survey Teams - what's the best way?
  4. Ruins when to send in the troops
  5. Frequent refueling?
  6. Couple of mechanics questions
  7. Is it possible to player designate which events generate interupts?
  8. How to find your first aliens?
  9. Sectors
  10. Survey Team - What am I doing wrong
  11. Refueling Ships
  12. Questions about jump shock.
  13. Sensors, what each does?
  14. Fuel Harvester?
  15. Newb question Survey Fleet
  16. Commercial Jump ship
  17. Help with new colonies
  18. Multi-Fraction Start on Earth: How to Setup?
  19. Mined out colonies
  20. Destroying Civilian Ships
  21. Distant binary stars without LPs
  22. Spacemaster Questions
  23. Turn resolving
  24. Other species and production
  25. How to switch colony in the Population&production screen
  26. Ground Units and PDCs
  27. Adding disasters
  28. A few questions from me (new player)
  29. Officer Auto-Assignment
  30. Newbie Question #5 "Missiles and how to load/launch/use them"
  31. PDC issues
  32. highlight unassigned colonies to an administrator
  33. Missile construction cost
  34. System Display Centre on Sol
  35. Newbie Question #3 "Population/Workers/Jobs"
  36. Question about name files.
  37. Newbie Question #4 "Exploring another star system"
  38. Races?!
  39. Hiding
  40. Replacing Obsolete Fighters
  41. box launchers. how do they work and how to reload
  42. Hangar bays
  43. Do private companies set up civ mines outside home systems?
  44. Automate cargo fleets like the civilan sector?
  45. Calculating engine speed
  46. Newbie Question #2 "Various Fuel related questions"
  47. trade goods
  48. New Player Playthrough
  49. Ground Combat
  50. Lack of Information and Numbers way to small