View full version: The Academy
  1. Endless NPC space battle
  2. Sorium shortages - Geo Survey Ended, now what?
  3. How to reach distant planets?
  4. Civilian fuel harvesters
  5. planetary resources, multi-faction starts.
  6. Question on shield EM signature
  7. Starting with multiple players or NPR in the same system?
  8. Colony worth it?
  9. What is the size limitation for small craft ECM?
  10. Does the AI needs active lock to fire?
  11. Fighter Squadrons
  12. half speed for carriers?
  13. New Game Problem
  14. maintnance PDCs
  15. I can't seem to be able to set PD modes
  16. fighters and jump ships
  17. jump gate construction
  18. Two questions
  19. civilian garrisons
  20. Cannot find Aliens
  21. PDCs - Magazines - Planetary Missile Stockpiles.
  22. Some odd and ends questions
  23. Custom System Start
  24. Sorium Harvester
  25. Not loading.
  26. Unable to load underground infra
  27. Game Setup: What is the Difference
  28. Asteroid Mining
  29. Diplomatic Teams
  30. Fighters non-maintaining
  31. Informations about Hostile Population Contact
  32. What dark ritual do I need to perform to get Recreational Facilities working?
  33. How to disable communication attempt
  34. Missile design worksheet - revised
  35. industry on a colony
  36. A dearth of scientists in certain fields
  37. Population and Production Screen
  38. How to...terraform the MOON !
  39. enemy ships are too fast
  40. Newbie game
  41. SM creations
  42. Population not enough
  43. how to research 20cm laser?
  44. On the subject of shields.
  45. 5 sec intervalls...
  46. running 2 instances of aurora
  47. Text Export
  48. Mark already geosurveyed locations?
  49. Ground Combat
  50. Need a little help with design