View full version: The Academy
  1. Effective non-missile point defense?
  2. Laser Warheads C#
  3. How do i get event messages on the system map in C# ?
  4. Academy Leader
  5. "Fighter Combat" bonus
  6. Events not showing up on system screen with events box ticked
  7. Executive Officer - Assigning not allowed
  8. "Ban body" function
  9. Terraforming Io
  10. Cant get my missile to fire, when enemy is in fire controll range
  11. Guide or advice for managing shipyards?
  12. Any ways to estimate how much fuel/maintenance supplies a ship will use?
  13. Anyone use a kind of mental checklist to keep track of everything?
  14. Anyone done testing on whether ships or ground forces are cheaper for PPV?
  15. terraforming modules
  16. How do you guys identify features of NPR ships?
  17. Help understanding ground weapon components
  18. Formula for shipyard efficiency with multiple shipyards?
  19. How do you delay orders?
  20. How much armor should a ship have? How does this vary by role and tech level?
  21. "Offline" ship and component design?
  22. Any missile design guides/process/theory?
  23. Mining Production Technology
  24. Tips for jumping into a “hot” system
  25. Ruins
  26. Artillery question
  27. How do you look for NPR
  28. regarding ground combat
  29. some questions i haven't found answers to
  30. Ship wont move
  31. NPR Home world and "friendly" bombardment
  32. Keyboard shortcuts not functioning
  33. How to change date format settings
  34. Ground troops replenishment
  35. What to do with alien missile stockpile?
  36. Trouble with setting up new games (C# Aurora)
  37. Glossary of Abbreviations?
  38. Hello, thank you and a quick noob question
  39. General questions
  40. Mars Colonization gone wrong
  41. NPC and surrender
  42. Artillery Support
  43. Population merging?
  44. Terraforming
  45. Questions about the Wealth System
  46. Initiating ground combat
  47. asteroid mining and automatization.
  48. Commercial Engined Jump Assault Ships?
  49. 6 hours increments
  50. Transfering fuel to a planet?