View full version: The Academy
  1. Shipyard additional eligible classes
  2. Confused about turrets + FC
  3. Question about whether I should start a new game
  4. 1HS Jump Drive - Self-Jump Only
  5. Recharge rates and active scanning
  6. Question about Commercial Ships
  7. Newb questions: sensors and lifepods
  8. Something worse than the learning curve... the deep pit of "Wtf?"
  9. Where to find the savegame?
  10. Two-Stage Missiles - Sensor Boat Supported by PDC?
  11. Can not research Ion engines
  12. Introducing distant aliens
  13. About the Galactic Map
  14. nebulas and orbital bombs?
  15. Error 6 - Overflow
  16. How do I stop colony growth
  17. Question
  18. What exactly are the rules for the expand civilian economy tech cost?
  19. Passenger liners and mobile miners\refineries
  20. Crew Grades and the SM
  21. Bonus Tech
  22. No engines available
  23. Sloooooooowing down and speedingup
  24. So I complete my first ship and send it to Mars. As it leaves, Earth surrenders.
  25. Fighters in PDC question?
  26. Trade and diplomacy with NPRs
  27. Can't open economic window plus error 713 MSSTDFMT
  28. Class design and building ships
  29. Help with Specialty Weapons (Particle Beams/Plasma Carronades/Ect.)
  30. Couple of Questions
  31. Hyperdrive?
  32. Any way to view NPR details, such as Govt. type, language type, etc?
  33. Assignement of officers
  34. Deleting ships from the "Naval Organization" tab?
  35. Ground Forces Tutorial?
  36. Large Combat Lasers
  37. Turrets Vs No Turrets?
  38. Shipyard conversion?
  39. Laser Warheads and their uses
  40. Compressed Fuel Tanks
  41. Drone questions.
  42. Sensor Contact Strength
  43. Probelm with assigning "Task Groups" to "Task Forces"
  44. Remove interrupt flag from events?
  45. A question about beam weapon design?
  46. Question about time between turns?
  47. Ways to disable allied alerts
  48. Found Aliens?
  49. Civilian ship launching
  50. Any way to reduce surface radiation (apart from time?)