View full version: The Academy
  1. Can't do Sir!
  2. Best coverage of dsts?
  3. Sol is lost
  4. Error in UseFuel (error 5)
  5. Mercury training center, move move move you apes!
  6. Endless boredom with drop-away geo teams
  7. How do I get civs to build freighters
  8. Where is that habitable world?
  9. Grav survey ship not moving.
  10. Handling AMM (and others missiles questions)
  11. lost in space (lone fighter)
  12. some questions
  13. Guided Missile and Dumb Missile?
  14. A few questions
  15. Doing something wrong with the survey team?
  16. Presenting a Tactical Problem
  17. Shore leave PITA?
  18. Returning player - basic trouble!
  19. Deleting civilian ships
  20. What to do on Earth when you're not really there(help requested)
  21. Point Defence Woes
  22. Obsolete missile engines?
  23. Can't understand galactic map colonization icons (bug?)
  24. Too many civilian ships
  25. PDCs & fighter factories
  26. Multination same planet start?
  27. Retiring ship without deleting?
  28. Stopping civilian colony ships from going to a populated colony
  29. 4000 missiles?!
  30. Got my first Lt General (R4 ground)
  31. Renaming and claiming
  32. So... can you 'beat' this game?
  33. Can't build ship in shipyard!
  34. Couple of newby-ish questions
  35. Basic missile and missile system design in 6.21
  36. Conventional - Quick Tec Catch-up starts (how many research labs?)
  37. Do Sorium Harvesters work at Super Jovians?
  38. Xenology Team Working?
  39. tracking stations coverage
  40. Adding Wrecks from SM
  41. Questions on Ruins and their types
  42. Problems with missile fire control
  43. Can't find NPR
  44. AMM with Ion Drive
  45. any software to help draw the galaxy map?
  46. Task group listing question
  47. Loading woes
  48. Rescuing survivors
  49. My first Combat
  50. Automating resource transportation